How To Help Others Without Depleting Ourselves: The New Model of ABUNDANCE ✨
Mar 05, 2025
How do we truly nourish those around us? To answer this question, we need to understand the deeper nature of abundance, alignment, and self-love.
So often we deplete ourselves in order to give to others. But the key to nourishing others is first to nourish ourselves—becoming an abundant, radiant presence that naturally uplifts those in our orbit. When we attune to our highest frequency, which is deep presence, we align with our true being and become a channel for higher consciousness.
The Power of Presence & Alignment
Then how do we align to our true self? Being in alignment means that we allow the highest light to stream through us, unfiltered and uninhibited. We are multidimensional beings, and when we align ourselves fully, we create an open channel for divine energy to move through us into the world.
Our physical reality may appear limited, but beyond that illusion, our light is always shining, always serving. Even in our most challenging moments, we are still of service to others simply by existing.
The belief that we must be perfect to help others is a limitation. Our light never diminishes—it is always there, always available.
The question is not whether we are offering nourishment, but rather in what form it is being received.
The Illusion of Lack & The Truth of Abundance
Nourishing others begins with the realization that we can only give what we have. When we believe we are depleted, we perceive limitations, but in truth, we exist in an infinite field of abundance.
We've built our belief of depletion on our experience with the physical world. On a physical level, our ability to assist others may be impacted by our health and energy. However, our deeper nourishment—the transmission of our light—remains unshaken.
Even illness or perceived struggle does not diminish our essence; it only influences our own experience of delivering that light. This is a powerful realization: nothing can diminish our light, only our confidence in it.
Seeing Others in Their Divine Wholeness
In the end, this is our greatest service to each other: to be the witness of each other's Highest Self.
To truly nourish others is to see them in their highest form—not as lacking or in need, but as already whole and divine. If we hold the belief that others are malnourished, struggling, or incomplete, we subtly reinforce that illusion. Instead, we can witness their inherent perfection and abundance.
This is the essence of true compassion—not suffering with others, but witnessing them with love, presence, and deep understanding.
We honor their chosen experiences without fear, judgment, or the need to fix anything. When we trust in the perfection of their path, we create space for them to realize their own light.
To nourish others, begin with the practice of Divine Self-Love.
Self-nourishment is not just about physical well-being; it is about deep, unconditional self-love. It is the recognition that we are already whole, already divine, and that nothing needs to be fixed.
When we fully embrace this truth for ourselves, we extend it effortlessly to others. We no longer approach life with a need to repair or improve others—we simply radiate love, trust, and presence. This is how we truly nourish the world.
Beloved, know that you are already a source of nourishment to the world. Simply by existing, you are offering light. The practice is to recognize this truth, to embody it more fully each day, and to see all beings as already whole.
As we step into this new paradigm of abundance, we shift from depletion to overflow, from concern to trust, and from separation to unity.
To nourish others, we nourish ourselves in the deepest way possible—through love, presence, and the unwavering knowing that all is already divine perfection.
with love,
PS - Would you like to learn more about how channel? This is something I teach in LEARN TO CHANNEL, my premiere Verbal Channeling Course. This course and more is available inside the True Creator Community!
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