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38: Preparing to Become Interstellar with Chris Burns

www.allisonholley.com - Hello True Creators! Today on the True Creator Podcast, as a part of my series of interviews with leaders who are actively creating our new world reality, I interview Chris Burns of Peaceful Human Advancement.

Chris is a peaceful ambassador for humanity, who has regular contact with many different ETs/ galactic beings, and shares his higher purpose with us: to help prepare humanity to become interstellar.

I REALLY enjoyed recording this episode with Chris because I got to dive into some of my personal experiences as well - something I often hold myself back from because it is such new territory for so many.

We got a chance to talk about our starseed heritage, ET contact stories, new multidimensional energy healing techniques, and Chris’s upcoming retreat called United Human Alliance, where many of the new sciences he has been given the knowledge of - such as telepathy and energy work - will be taught.

I know you will find this episode as exciting and eye-opening as I did!

Link to the free download, "Living a 5D Life in a Transitioning 3D World"
(Click the "More" tab, then click "Give Away!"

Connect with Chris:
Instagram: @peaceful.human.advancement

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Link to my book: https://www.amazon.com/Era-True-Creator-Ascending-Consciousness/dp/198420789X

My Instagram: http://instagram.com/allisonholleycreator